I’m Learning All About My New Post-Baby Body
Week 22 with Baby Yanez. Here’s what I’m learning:
I’m learning all about my new post-baby body.
To be completely honest, I was scared about what pregnancy and birth would do to my body. I heard horror stories about how your body is never the same, and all I knew about birth was what I saw in movies.
I legitimately used to say that I would schedule a C-section and just get a tummy tuck while I was at it.
Let’s be clear: this isn’t a knock against if you made the choice to have a scheduled C-section. This is about me not understanding birth. And yet here I am, having strength trained through my entire pregnancy, and birthed my first baby at home.
What changed? I learned that with changing hormones through pregnancy & birth, your body changes. This allowed me to meet every new sensation in my body with compassion rather than frustration.
And by allowing myself that opportunity, I get to connect with and learn about the new strengths of this body that built and birthed my human.
What does this have to do with you?
Our bodies are constantly changing and evolving. So often we fall into the comparison trap, comparing our current bodies to our past selves.
All this does is leave us feeling empty.
So what can you do about it?
I’m not saying you have to love your body in the season you’re in.
AND I’m also offering the opportunity to learn about the current body you’re in.
My post-baby body needs: compassion, pelvis floor therapy, diaphragmatic breath work, and a whole lot of baby snuggles.
My post-baby strengths: my biceps and lats are getting strong AF from holding this baby at all times!
What are your strengths right now?
What could use your attention & energy?