My 2022 Home Birth Story Pt 1

Now feels like as good a time as any to share about our first home birth experience.

My water broke Saturday 12/3 at 11pm when I was sleeping (2 weeks before my due date). Perfect timing, bc Gabe had JUST put the mattress protector on the bed that morning.

I called our midwife at Family Birth Center to let her know and then we waited for labor to progress. Sunday came, and we were still waiting - we ran errands, trying to keep our minds off it.

Monday came, and still nothing, so we went to see our midwife and for me to get an adjustment at Willow Haus. We made a date day out of it and went out to lunch and to walk around Gruene.

At the midwife, we agreed to do a cervical exam and so she checked to confirm my water broke, and she explained it was a high tear in the amniotic sac, meaning baby was still in fluid and protected, and that was likely the reason my contractions weren’t progressing. We agreed on a membrane sweep to help encourage the process.

I took some herbs after the midwife visit and went to bed, anxiously awaiting the start of labor - I was so excited that the time was here!

Tuesday morning came and still nothing, so I drank a midwives brew and mentally prepared for another day of nothing happening.

Gabe and I decided to go to target to get some last minute stuff. On the way to target around 11am I started feeling true contractions and an aching sensation in my low back that was pretty intense

By the time we got to target, my contractions were uncomfortable and I was having a harder time walking and breathing through them. We headed home (a 45min drive), and my contractions started getting more intense. By the time we got home, rushes were closer together in time.

I labored at home, waiting to call our doulas from Blooming Water Lillies until I was sure I needed them.

I moved into different positions every few contractions trying to find one that felt okay (none really did).

Stay tuned for part 2!


My 2022 Home Birth Story Pt 2


Recipe: The Best Bone Broth Recipe You'll Find