What It’s Like to Let Go
Week 24 with Baby Yanez. Here’s what I’m learning:
I’m learning what it’s like to let go.
Last week, I had a discussion with my team at Wild Health, and ultimately made a decision to step away. It was honestly not something I anticipated struggling with as much as I have.
Gabe and I talked at length before making this decision, and we came to the conclusion that this would be what was best for our family now.
Purely from an ego perspective, I felt like it was hard to say I can’t do it all at one time. But really, what this decision means is that I found what the priority is right now.
My intention for 2023 has been FLEXIBILITY. What better way to practice flexibility than to let go of something that may not be serving us right now?
What does this have to do with you?
Have you taken the time to actually concretely identify what your priority is in this season of your life?
What can you let go of that isn’t serving that priority right now?
So what can you do about it?
Once you identify your priority, I invite you to make a list of all the things you’re putting energy towards that don’t serve that priority (or any other sub-priorities, because I know there can be more than one!).