It Doesn’t Have to be Figured Out Right Now
Week 19 with Baby Yanez. Here’s what I’m learning:
I’m learning that I don’t have to have it all figured out right now.
This may seem obvious, but let me explain.
I want to know what next week will look like. I’m a planner- having a general plan eases any anxiety I might have about something.
But as I prepare to go back to work next week, I’m realizing we will just need to figure it out as we go.
This is a great reminder of my 2023 intention (FLEXIBILITY). I can’t make the full plan yet because I *get to* wait and see what this new schedule will bring.
What does this have to do with you?
Does wanting to have it all figured out before you start actually stop you from starting in the first place?
So what can you do about it?
What if, instead of trying to figure it all out, you just figured out the smallest first step?
For me, that is figuring out my work schedule.
For you, maybe it is identifying where in your day you can schedule the time to sit down and eat your lunch.