You Can’t Do It Alone
Week 18 with Baby Yanez. Here’s what I’m learning:
You can’t do it alone.
Gabe is traveling this week for work, so I am solo parenting for a few days.
I should preface this by saying I have always been a super independent person. I have learned to ask for help, but it is not my go-to. I also thoroughly enjoy my routine, even if it does look slightly different now with my little guy.
I’m super lucky that Gabe is here all the time to parent with me. I don’t have to ask, he’s just there. This week, with him being gone, I’ve had to ask for help.
And every time I’ve asked, something amazing has happened. It brightened other people’s days!
What does this have to do with you?
Where in your life are you trying to do it all for the sake of not being a burden?
Maybe it isn’t being a burden so much as it is not thinking others can do it as well as you.
Maybe it’s none of that and you just don’t want to admit you need help.
Alone we can go fast, but together we can go farther. This applies to business, family, even your health/fitness goals.
So what can you do about it?
Asking for help can feel daunting. Where can you start small, asking for help with things that aren’t high stakes?
Ex: Can someone else fill your water bottle for you while you do something else?
Can someone else feed the dog so you can go brush your teeth (insert literally anything here)
Can someone come with you to swim lessons so you don’t have to juggle a wet baby by yourself (this one is for me :P)?