3 Easy Lunch Ideas For Busy Humans
I get it- you’re busy, and taking an hour in the middle of the day to prep and cook (and then eat) a balanced meal seems impossible. So let’s make it more possible, shall we?
The Easiest Shredded Chicken You'll Every Make
Call me crazy, but eating 4-day old veggies and meat just stopped sounding appealing after a while. BUT I also recognize how important it is to have some things pre-made for the super busy days (so we can stop ordering in when we have a fridge full of ingredients). This shredded chicken recipe is one of my all-time favorites because of how easy it is to make, AND how versatile it is to pair with
Time-Saving Tips for Navigating the Kitchen
I get it, we’re all busy. And frankly, cooking can take time or energy you’d rather give to something else. Honestly? I feel that way too, sometimes. But then I remember how much better I feel when I take the time to connect with my food, and find ways to enjoy my time in the kitchen.