Traveling with a 2 month old

Week 7 with Baby Yanez. Here’s what I’m learning:

This week, we’ve been traveling.

Traveling with an infant was a scary thought to me at first. What if he has a meltdown on the plane? Ultimately it ended up being totally fine, and he slept almost the entire time.

But the lesson this week is to board the plane last.

What does that mean? Well for us, it literally meant we boarded the plane last to avoid being on the plane for too long (to decrease the possibility of a meltdown). We passed on the opportunity to pre-board, getting a good spot for our carry-ons to be able to be the last people on the plane.

What does this have to do with you?

So often we are enticed to choose the more comfortable route when there is actually something better or more beneficial if we just waited a little longer.

So what can you do about it?

Where are you choosing instant gratification over a more favorable outcome in the long run?

For some, this looks like saying no to the extra glass of wine at the company dinner so you can get up early in the morning for your workout.

For others, this might look like taking the extra time on Sunday to meal prep some lunch instead of grabbing takeout.

Where can you be the last to board?


Travel week #2 with a 2 month old...


Routines with a 6 week old baby…