Travel week #2 with a 2 month old...
Week 8 with Baby Yanez. Here’s what I’m learning:
This is travel week number 2.
We had a quick turnaround from our California trip last week to our trip to Miami this weekend. Shay should earn his wings for this much travel in such a short amount of time.
With Shay’s first trip, we learned to board the plane last, which makes me curious about where else I could board the plane last in my life.
This week, I learned that no two flights are ever the same. Did I know this already? Of course, logically, I did. But I also did half-expect for this trip to be just like our first trip as long as I did all the same things.
On the first trip, I nursed shay during takeoff and landing, and he slept the rest of the time. This second flight, he wasn’t really interested in nursing, and stayed contently awake the majority of the flight. I was partially concerned, because I was expecting him to sleep like he did on the first trip.
What does this have to do with you?
Where in your own life are you expecting the same results from something you have done in the past?
Sure, there is a question of consistency. Of course you have to be consistent, which requires some repetitiveness to yield a certain result. But consistency doesn’t mean you’ll always get the same outcome each time you do something.
Example: if you go into the gym every day, your muscles don’t grow after every single session. But they do grow over time.
So what can you do about it?
This weeks learning is more about the understanding that just because it won’t look the same, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stay consistent.
Where in your own life are you expecting the same exact result after you do something multiple times, only to get discouraged that it didn’t happen the way you expected?
This is an invitation to continue to stay consistent, even if it doesn’t *seem* like you’re making progress each time.